📂 Projects

🚀 My Projects

Here is a collection of some of my favorite projects. Each project showcases my skills and expertise in different areas of design and development. ✨

🌟 Featured Projects

  • Project 1: Portfolio Website

    A personal portfolio website to showcase my work, skills, and experience. It features a clean design, interactive elements, and a user-friendly interface.

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub Pages.

  • Project 2: E-Commerce Store

    An online store for a fictional brand. The project includes a shopping cart, product pages, and a secure checkout process.

    Technologies used: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.

  • Project 3: Mobile App

    A mobile application designed to help users track their fitness goals. It includes features such as workout logging, progress tracking, and social sharing.

    Technologies used: Flutter, Dart, Firebase.

🔧 Other Notable Projects

  • Project 4: Blog Platform

    A blogging platform that allows users to create, edit, and delete posts. It also includes features for commenting and user authentication.

    Technologies used: Django, Python, Bootstrap.

  • Project 5: Data Visualization Dashboard

    A dashboard for visualizing complex data sets. It includes interactive charts, graphs, and filters to help users understand the data.

    Technologies used: D3.js, Angular, Node.js.

  • Project 6: Game Development

    A 2D platformer game developed using Unity. It features custom artwork, engaging levels, and challenging gameplay mechanics.

    Technologies used: Unity, C#, Photoshop.